Tuesday, January 16, 2007

January 2007 - The Anastasis Commandments

I jot this down one day whilst on board sort of as a joke for myself, since it's new year I thought I should share it as I remember my past year experiences and in preparation towards the next. Smile....!

The Anastasis ten commandments:
  1. I am the Lord your God, who have brought you out of the house of bondage of materialism, head in the sand fear of the unknown, and the myth of self-dependency. You shall have no other gods before me.
  2. You shall not worship the idols of a salary, a house, a car, a washing machine and a perfect missionary organisation.
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, especially when a crew member annoys you by leaving an empty coke can outside your door and attracting ants all over the place, or leaves the riposto (crew kitchenettes) dirty, or messes up the game boxes tables chairs in the Med Lounge, or forgets to return DVDs books videos in time, or works in an irresponsible manner, or let me think what else this is good therapy as someone said the other day….
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to not fill it with more activities than the week, nor allow anyone else to do it to you, instead remember to rest in the presence of the Lord and seek Him.
  5. Honour your parents, keep in touch with your family, do not neglect them near or far.
  6. You shall not kill (but cockroaches ants mosquitos mice are a different story).
  7. You shall not commit adultery, nor court three girls (or lead on three guys) at the same time.
  8. You shall not steal the toast of your neighbour from the toaster at breakfast, nor their laundry or car or lounge sign-out slots.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour, but squash any rumour slander gossip immediately, or seek the truth from the people directly involved.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbour’s cabin, nor their food in the riposto fridge, nor their electrical appliances, nor their ministry. Instead remember that you are unique, you have a place in the body of Christ, a necessary function for its full health. Go and fulfill it, and be faithful in little things, so that God may trust you with more.

(Community living can sometimes be quite intense, when you share work living areas cafeteria school cars washing machines etc with 400 other people, with different levels of cleanliness and habits and personalities and backgrounds and cultures! It is definitely enriching and eye-opening!)


Blogger Robert said...

Kae, Commandment 9 reminded me of a cook that I once sailed with. He was a bit of a scallywag and joker and as the galley was the centre of the ships communual life he enjoyed the position relaying all the news and gossip about the ship. He once said to me "you start a rumour at breakfast and by lunchtime you can not recognise your own rumour" Take care and God bless Robert.

4:18 pm  
Blogger Robert said...

Kae, Commandment 9 reminded me of a cook that I once sailed with. He was a bit of a scallywag and joker and as the galley was the centre of the ships communual life he enjoyed the position relaying all the news and gossip about the ship. He once said to me "you start a rumour at breakfast and by lunchtime you can not recognise your own rumour" Take care and God bless Robert.

4:18 pm  

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