May 2007 - Meet Elise!
But we thought you may prefer to meet her in person, so here she is :)!

Etienne has taken very well to having a baby sister despite still naming the baby in his tummy Timmy (after his friendTimmy Borrow on the Anastasis), he especially welcomed the gift baby brought along (a toy landrover with a horse carrier and two horses), he brought her a gift of a rattle too. Kae is much relieved to find it possible to love another baby as intensely as her first, though she had a big shock as she realised that Etienne is not a baby anymore (he seems so big now... so tall... so grown up... sniff sniff.) Kind of a personal analogy for general feelings about Anastasis who will always remain dear in our hearts, and welcoming the new baby Africa Mercy who is now sailing towards Africa for its first outreach in Liberia ( We are sure there will be the same sleepless nights and figuring out again how to bath and dress a new baby and anxiously counting toes and fingers and listening out for cries and burps, but she will grow steadily in good time under God's care.
So thank you for keeping in touch and forgive us if we don't update our blogsite as frequently as we deal with baby parties in the nights and toddler parties in the day! Blessings and love,
Kae, Julien, Etienne and Elise
My precious friends thank you for keeping me up to date. Congratulations to you both.
Love you much,
Donna Shippie
Congratualtions from the Fuhrer Five! We miss you all heaps. Life is very different back home than what we imagened it to be. Good but very fifferent...
We wish you all God's richest blessings as you get adjusted to having a new wee member in your family.
If you are on skype try to contact us 'fuhrerfive' is our username.
Walter, Susan, Sarah, Tessa & Allana
Congratulations to the 4 Louds! Thanks for sharing the great news!! Our love to all of you.
- Jacqui & Hwok-Aun
Congratulations, what a beautiful family!!
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