March 2007 - Birthdays!
In March as well we were told that the reporter who interviewed us whilst we were on board the Anastasis last November has published her article with Le Point (french weekly magazine) on the Le Point website:

It is in a slideshow with commentaries written in french but the photos are universal! The photos below are from slide 20 with Etienne at the hairdresser's on board, and slide 41 with us in our last cabin on board in Etienne's 'roomlet' (it looks so much bigger on the photo! It's probably only around 5 metres square). The reporter did somewhat paraphrased and simplified what Julien said (she spent two hours interviewing us!), so it is not an actual quote, and Etienne's age should read two years old and 9 months, but otherwise we are quite impressed with her report and the photographer is very good (and very nice too she really put Etienne at ease during the session).

Lastly, exciting news!! We received the update that the M/V Africa Mercy, Mercy Ships' newest hospital ship, has successfully completed sea trials!!! Hurrah! She is one giant step closer to her calling and service to Africa, and Jurryan we can just picture your face as you sail her! We hope to meet her and work with her in Africa again one day. Felicitations!! (See for more detail.)

So next update perhaps we will get around to the ultrasound scan of baby-in-tummy! We are busy preparing for her arrival and welcome suggestions of names (needs to work in french english and chinese and eventually malay...isn't that fun!). Please keep in touch and keep sending us your news/photos too, lots of love and blessings,
kae, julien, étienne and baby-in-tummy!
Currently in Lyon, France;
with M/V Anastasis during 2006 in Liberia and Ghana