Friday, November 23, 2007

November 2007 - Adieu Pépé

Charles Emmanuel Eli Reymann 1924 - 2007

Pépé left us on Thursday 15 november, at 83 years old, from heart failure, at an apéro with his neighbours in the afternoon. He had champagne, foie gras, beaujolais nouveau, and was at digestif, glass in hand, his wife next to him, in his home, when it happened. The funeral service was held the following Monday at Bossieu, in the chapel where he was baptised as an infant, in the countryside of Isère where he grew up. Enclosed is the farewell my sister in law Charlotte wrote in memory of him, which Julien read during the service:

"Cher pépé,
Cher grandpépé,

Tu nous as quittés brusquement ce jeudi 15 novembre 2007. Nous n'avons pas eu l'occasion de nous dire adieu.

Mais nous avons tellement de souvenirs à partager avec toi grâce à ta générosité et ton hospitalité.

Homme fort et courageux, tu as surmonté plusieurs fois au cours de ta vie la maladie et remonté une pente que de beaucoup pensait trop ardue. Ta volonté et ton goût de la vie a toujours été le plus fort. Tu aimais tellement la vie à travers les plaisirs de la table bien sûr mais surtout aussi à travers la nature. Que de temps passais-tu dans ton jardin et dans les bois!

Les bois, les bois de Bossieu que tu connaissais par coeur, tu les as parcourus comme chasseur en compagnie de tes chiens, tu connaissais comme personne les coins pour les cèpes, bolets, et chanterelles. Nous, enfants, tu nous entrainais dans de longues promenades pour ramasser châtaigne, houx, muguet.

C'est vrai que l'image dominante de toi est celle de celui qui avait des mains d'or, celui que l'on venait toujours solliciter pour fabriquer ou réparer que cela soit en menuiserie, mécanique ou électricité. Mais ta générosité allait aussi jusqu'à épauler les gens dans leurs projets et les faire progresser dans leurs vies. Patriache, très fier de tes arrières-petits-enfants tu aimais te sentir entouré et nous sommes aujourd'hui très émus de devoir te dire adieu. Ta vie est pour nous un exemple. Ton souvenir restera à jamais gravé dans nos coeurs. "

Pépé accepted me into the family immediately when I first met him, and never made me feel like an outsider. He patiently taught me many "argots", slang in french like "une patate", and french expressions like "article 402, on fait comme on veux". He understood me in my early french speaking days, and loved my children as they came along. He was very fond of Etienne, would play with him with his cars and be the (plastic) crocodile-and-snake-eater for him, and in recent months as his health went downhill he would happily sit with Elise on his knees and play with her. He insisted and made it to Elise's baptism two weeks before. Etienne quietly climbed on my lap, hugged me and said to me last Sunday night, "Mama, I miss pépé." Me too. Adieu pépé, we love you.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 2007 - Elise's baptism

Elise's baptism

(To see the photos click on the picture above or click on the link

For the video, see

Thursday, November 01, 2007

October 2007 - Family photos updates

Family photos update Oct 2007

(To see the photos click on the picture above or click on the link

Here are some quotable quotes from Etienne and company:

"I want to be fireman", says former I-want-to-be-Bob-the-Builder boy. Cousin Anne replies, "I want to be ambulance!"

"Did you see where mummy put her papers?" harried mum asked her dear son, who replied, "If you tidy it, you will find it!" (Wham! direct quote from mum back at herself ah well he was listening after all....)

Not so politically correct: "Girls are dolls..."

So sweet: "Mama when I grow up, I can help you carry Elise's pushcart down the steps!" (hopefully she'd have grown out of it by then!)

Back from school: "Today I didn't fight!"

Honesty the best policy: "Why did the girl scratch you?" "Because I whacked her on the head!"

And the current winner: "I didn't do nothing!!!!"