Saturday, June 30, 2007

June 2007 - Farewell Anastasis

I followed the news of the departure of the Anastasis on June 29 with great emotion (see the following crew member blogs for photos and video in english and in french)

In memory of our last cabin on board the Anastasis, here are some photos. How we loved our cabin 36 on Upper Deck (the 'family deck')! I will also remember with fondness my first cabin 162 on C Deck, with my Ghanaian and Japanese crew mate in 1996; then cabin 3C in 1999 with lots of nurses coming and going and Margaret from Canada a dental hygienist with whom I travelled to France later on (she was praying for someone to travel with and me too, we ended up as bunkmates on the same double decker bed same cabin and had departure dates a day apart! Crucial trip to my meeting Julien again and falling in love in Paris, email me if you want the full story, ha!); then cabin 3B with Julien in 2002 on B Deck also known as the Honeymoon corridor apparently; then 126 on B Deck when we first arrived as a family, before moving to cabin 36 on Upper Deck and inheriting loads of blessings from the Dodgens who were there before. Anastasis we will never forget you! It was my dream to bring my first born son on board and it came true :)! And Elise was on board her too in my tummy during my pregnancy, a bonus :). Praise God for its years of service and may the Africa Mercy continue her great legacy. Blessings and love and thoughts,

kae :)

Cabin 36 A Deck M/V Anastasis from June-Nov 2006

Cabin 126 B Deck M/V Anastasis from Jan-May 2006


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