Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
FB Status updates May-June 2010 :)
Kae Cherie did i mention my hubby is wonderful? Yesterday he looked after feverish six year old (feeling much better today), went to market, worked (he was on call), and served us who returned from church a scrumptious lunch of prawns courgettes and noodles, yum! 28 June
Kae Cherie it's very well to say four seasons are nice, but sorting out three kids' clothes according to current temperatures is a PAIN!!! 27 June
Kae Cherie Brian Blackburn is looking for a French Teacher and Elementary Teacher for the 2010-2011 school year on the Africa Mercy! 25 June
Kae Cherie is savouring the moments when a kiss can still heal a boo-boo :) 24 June
Kae Cherie this is when you see the loyal fans, still wearing their football t-shirts, still enthusiastic, still.... six years old :) 23 June
Kae Cherie my whole family is watching Argentine against Greece, down to the 11 month old! Except me, i'm facebooking, ha! 22 June
Kae Cherie spent an hour convincing her three year old to pass her father's day gift to her father and that it's not a secret to keep forever :)! Happy Father's day! 20 June
Kae Cherie knows why twelve baskets of crumbs were left over from the feeding of the five thousand... there were a couple of toddlers present, ha! 14 June
Kae Cherie Late in the afternoon french time: auntie wai fong to six year old, "Yeah i'm sleepy, i'm still in Malaysian time." Six year old goes, "Like my grandparents, they're sleeping now." 10 June
Kae Cherie really enjoyed the Big Bang Theory, season one :) nerd genes firing, ha! 9 June
Kae Cherie went on saturday to Isere grandparents' old house to help out, picked cherries and got haircuts for herself and two out of three kids! We're almost ready for the weddings coming up :)! 7 June
Kae Cherie oh and i forgot to mention, monday was tooth number TWO :)! 4 June
Kae Cherie Six-year-old, "Mummy, i think poppies are called poppies because when they flower they pop, and then they pee.... har har har....!" 3 June
Kae Cherie YES carrots pumpkin peas NO banana YES pear apple green beans NO banana YES avocado rice potatoes NO banana YES leeks celery spinach asparagus finally YES BANANA :)!! 1 June
Kae Cherie was up at 630am, fed her baby, changed baby's sheets, did a load of laundry, had breakfast, was greeted by her son whose first words were, "It's mother's day today, can we open your present now?" Happy mother's day fellow mums :)!! 30 May
Kae Cherie Thank you Lord for a beautiful trip to switzerland, traveling with new friends and meeting old(er) ones :), nyon, basel, lavaux, ending with caroline baer's beautiful carrot cake and muffins at the mercy ships lausanne base! I don't even mind the lack of sleep and huge pile of laundry, it was great! Now we know it's ok travelling with 3 kiddos, and etienne wants to go to Italy next :)... 25 May
Kae Cherie Switzerland, here we come :)! 21 May
Kae Cherie has a baby who is bum-crawling everywhere. Her husband suggests putting a floor cloth under her so she can mop the floor as she goes! 20 May
Kae Cherie dropped a bowl of rice and started to grumble. Three year old chirps, "That's life!" (well, she actually said, "C'est ca la vie!") 18 May
Kae Cherie walked faster on wednesday on the way back from school, when Elise pointed at a monsieur across the street and proclaimed loudly, "Look mama, it's OBELIX!!" 14 May
Rend Collective Experiment - Worship on iPhone
Kae Cherie Hurrah, finally, TOOTH number ONE :)! 12 May
Kae Cherie rain rain go away... 11 May
Kae Cherie parental tip from the mafia guy talking to the child patient Dr House was treating: "You've gotta say it like ya mean it!" 6 May
Kae Cherie is very proud of herself: 60 nails trimmed, just 20 more to go... :) 5 May
Kae Cherie Playdoh: kids' heaven, parent's hell (to clean up after) :) 5 May
Kae Cherie ... and that makes three. We're done with chickenpox! 3 may
posted by everydaymercy at 9:41 pm
About Me
- Name: everydaymercy
Kae has joined Mercy Ships for four missions since 1996 (all with M/V Anastasis); after their marriage Julien joined her on board in 2002 for four months, and they brought their first born son for a year's service in 2006. They left ship for the birth of their second child and has been land based since with the arrival of their third child. Please note that the contents of this blog are not from Mercy Ships but are personal and subjective :).
- Mercy Ships International
- Mercy Exhibition - Images & Stories
- Ship Photojournalist's Blog
- Mercy Ships Resources
Previous Posts
- Family Photos May 2011
- Mother's Dictionary :)
- FB Status updates May 2011
- Toddler jargon translations May 2011
- Family Photos April 2011
- FB Status updates Apr 2011
- Spring arriving March 2011
- Happy New Year 2011!! Bonne Année 2011!!
- FB Status updates Nov-Dec 2010
- Family Photos Nov 2010 Italy part 2
- January 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- December 2008
- October 2009
- December 2009
- March 2010
- May 2010
- June 2010
- July 2010
- September 2010
- October 2010
- November 2010
- December 2010
- January 2011
- April 2011
- May 2011
- June 2011
- July 2011