Thursday, September 16, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
FB Status updates Jul-Aug 2010 :)
Kae Cherie the ultimate insult part II, "When you were little, you were little!" (as in age-wise, says three year old to six year old) 29 Aug
Kae Cherie visited old lyon and shopped at bellecour yesterday, then went to the farmers' market and whispered to horses today near our village with Sharon Lau :)! 29 Aug
Kae Cherie six year old is addicted to Hillbilly cowboy songs now, thanks to some old CDs a friend gave to us that we just found while unpacking a box.... YEEE-haw! 26 Aug
Kae Cherie three year old said with glee this morning, "On y a, les vacances!!" (Let's go, holidays!) :) 26 Aug
Kae Cherie is getting used to shaking live bugs out of her clean laundry from the lines before folding and putting them away... 24 Aug
Kae Cherie made ten pots of mirabelle plum jam today, the colour of the golden summer sun :) 23 Aug
Kae Cherie hammered her first nails yesterday and rather like it :)... 23 Aug
Kae Cherie six year old asked me eagerly today, "Mummy, can you do kung fu?" 22 Aug
Kae Cherie would like to clarify that if three year old talks about being a princess in prison, it's because her brother is the knight that rescues her. And the baby? She's the dragon :) 20 Aug
Kae Cherie A Chinese poet many centuries ago noticed that to re-create something in words is like being alive twice. (Frances Mayes, Under the Tuscan Sun) 20 Aug
Kae Cherie three year old was making up her own story at bedtime, "Once upon a time... there was a princess... her name is Go-ri-lla..." Tried not to laugh. "Do you mean Goldilocks?" "No, GORILLA." "Ok, go on then..." "[And she is beautiful], and she likes pink clothes." Sounds good to me! 18 Aug
Kae Cherie is in an old farmhouse and the floor is uneven and walls are not absolutely straight, so pens roll off shelves and cars take on their own lives, and she feels like she's on board a listing ship, and she ADOOORRREEESSS it :)! 16 aug
Kae Cherie has internet access again but the sky is so blue the grass is warm the mirabelles and prunes falling off the trees boxes to unpack children to run after to play football with and track butterflies and pick blackberries and roses... summer and the blessing of a new home with a garden, PTL :)! 13 Aug
Kae Cherie has no more fix phone line and erratic internet service, and to top it hubby left with her handphone today by mistake but i've got his, so call our handphones if you need us :)!
Je n'ai plus de ligne fixe et peu d'internet, et en plus mon mari gentille est parti ce matin avec mon portable par erreur mais il m'a laissé le sien, alors appelle nos portables si urgent :)! 6 Aug
Kae Cherie the ultimate praise, "Mama, you should work in a restaurant!" 4 Aug
Kae Cherie is moving in two weeks' time, and should probably start packing boxes instead of looking at them trying to will them to pack themselves harry potter style :)... 26 Jul
Kae Cherie oh the joys of indoor artwork with six year old and three year old as it pours with rain outdoors :p 23 Jul
Kae Cherie collateral rewards from watching the world cup: six year old now recognises flags from 12 countries! (guess which ones, ha!) 22 Jul
Kae Cherie loves playing doctor patient with three year old: every time she jabs you (with her plastic syringe, phew), she gives you a kiss too to sooth it :) 21 July
Kae Cherie six year old found an old cassette tape and is now playing 80s cantonese songs non-stop, it's just too weird hearing them here! 21 July
Kae Cherie The average four-year old knows 1500 words. By five it's 2072, rising to 2562 by the sixth birthday. It is not recorded how many of them are rude. (Libby Purve's How not to raise a perfect child :)!) 16 July
Kae Cherie six year old said, "Mama i know a bad word in english, Sheeeet!" Hmmm, should i correct him or not :)? 14 July
Kae Cherie waka waka hey hey... this time for espana :)!! 11 July
Kae Cherie only just discovered this cute spanish footballer and is watching the WC finals :)! 11 July
Kae Cherie wonders if half an hour's peace is worth half an hour's cleaning up afterwards... 8 July
Kae Cherie we are so proud that our son is one-eighth spanish :)! Go Espana :)! 7 July
Kae Cherie is attempting to make dumplings with her two older kids to celebrate baby's first birthday (err yes we are late), plus a passion fruit cheesecake, is it too ambitious, flour flour everywhere :)!! 6 July
Kae Cherie happy first birthday my darling :)! 5 July
Kae Cherie is not sure "Mummy I love your big thighs!" is a complement....:p 1 July
posted by everydaymercy at 9:46 pm
About Me
- Name: everydaymercy
Kae has joined Mercy Ships for four missions since 1996 (all with M/V Anastasis); after their marriage Julien joined her on board in 2002 for four months, and they brought their first born son for a year's service in 2006. They left ship for the birth of their second child and has been land based since with the arrival of their third child. Please note that the contents of this blog are not from Mercy Ships but are personal and subjective :).
- Mercy Ships International
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- Ship Photojournalist's Blog
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Previous Posts
- Family Photos May 2011
- Mother's Dictionary :)
- FB Status updates May 2011
- Toddler jargon translations May 2011
- Family Photos April 2011
- FB Status updates Apr 2011
- Spring arriving March 2011
- Happy New Year 2011!! Bonne Année 2011!!
- FB Status updates Nov-Dec 2010
- Family Photos Nov 2010 Italy part 2
- January 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- December 2006
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- June 2011
- July 2011