Tuesday, October 26, 2010
FB Status updates Sep-Oct 2010
Kae Cherie six year old's history of cars: "Once upon a time a time, man wanted to go faster. So he invented cars!" 26 Oct
Kae Cherie to three year old humming incessantly, "What's the name of the song you're singing?", to which three year old replied, "Rock n ROLL :)!!' 23 Oct
Kae Cherie thinks it's a wonderful neighbourhood where lady next door babysits sleeping babies when i'm out to pick up children from school, and the elderly gentleman a few doors down turns up this morning to mow the lawn, for free, for everyone on the street, just like that! 22 Oct
Kae Cherie left three year old and toddler playing happily for 15 minutes to do the dishes, and returned to find a tissuebox half emptied (tissues like snow everywhere), and toddler naked! Three year old wanted to dress her up, so she took everything off baby sister, even the diaper! Pffff :) 21 Oct
Kae Cherie would like to borrow old cooking DVDs, like jamie oliver or nigel slater or nigella lawson or even gordon ramsay? 16 Oct
Kae Cherie left the stroller on the pavement and drove away into the sunset yesterday, not too happy with herself, at least she didn't leave any kiddos behind :p... 15 Oct
Kae Cherie to six year old, "Hey, why is your coin from the tooth fairy here and not tidied into your treasure box?" Six year old to me, "No it's for you mummy, i don't need it, i have enough money." Wow. 13 Oct
Kae Cherie what six year old had at the school canteen last friday: "Salade verte et magret fumé (green salad with smoked duck), gateau de foie sauce tomate (liver terrine with tomato sauce), quenelles et champignons (lyonnaise dumplings with mushrooms), yaourt nature (plain yogurt), compote (apple puree)." And he liked it! And ate it all! 11 Oct
Kae Cherie three year old's version: "I've got the, BEAR, necessities, the good old bare necessities... forget, about, your moneys, and your wife, OH YEAH!!!" 8 Oct
Kae Cherie tooth fairy mouse visited over the weekend again, tip to parents, make sure she has the right change the first time round, as the rate stays for all the rest of the milk teeth :)! 4 Oct
Kae Cherie is planning a trip to Italy: Florence, Asti, Alba, Alessandria, Cinque Terre, Turin... so many places so little time, have you been there, where did you stay, where would you give your vote? 4 Oct
Kae Cherie thinks she should try to catch up on technology and is interested to buy an old IPod or PDA if you're interested to sell yours, and if you say you don't know what a PDA is you're too young :)!! 1 Oct
Kae Cherie six year old, "Mummy what's this?" "Haricots coco (white beans)." "Oh but i don't like it!" "Yeah but papa likes it..." Six year old sighs, "I know, you always cook for the one you love most!" 29 Sep
Kae Cherie has some duck roasting in the oven, and is thinking, should she bake a cake too since the oven is warm :)... 28 Sep
Kae Cherie three year old told her teacher today that her papa is a pirate, and when he sees a ship passing by he cries "A l'abordage!!! (Board/attack the ship!!)" Me thinks too many pirate stories during bedtime reading me hearties! 24 Sep
Kae Cherie pointed to the sky and asked three year old, "What do you see?" Three year old exclaimed, "A PLANET!" (I was thinking of the moon, but well :)...) 22 Sep
Kae Cherie had tea and muffins with a mum this morning, then was greeted by two riders on their tall brown horses as i walked with baby in pram to pick three year old up from school... what a lovely start to the week! 20 Sep
Kae Cherie needs to put a DO NOT FEED ME EVEN WHEN I TWINKLE MY EYES AT YOU sign on her three year old.... she keeps getting cookies and sweets from folks, you know that puss in boots look in Shrek 2? She has it down PAT. 18 Sep
Kae Cherie http://picasaweb.google.com/everyday1/FamilyPhotosAugust2010?feat=directlink for the videos at the end :) 16 Sep
Kae Cherie said to three year old, "Ca-re-ful, this will be your sixth 'betise' (mischief) today!" "Yeah... (counting her fingers) one... two... three... four... five... SIX!" 15 Sep
Kae Cherie dear six year old girl walking five steps in front of my boy, looking back every 5 minutes to smile at him, swishing your pretty blond hair.... I'm so so SO sorry, but it's STILL too subtle for a six year old boy! ("Hey, is she your friend? From your class?" "Yeah." "I think she wants to talk to you lah." "Naahh..." says boy searching the ground for screws and nails to show his dad.... :p) 14 Sep
Kae Cherie one week of school and already two girls down with bugs....:( 12 Sep
Kae Cherie Six year old said to me tonight, "Mummy, I know God really exists. Because He made me strong." (We've been praying for strength since he started at the new school last week, and his bible reading recently was Samson :)) 9 Sep
Kae Cherie after tuesday's rain, the windfall fruit i picked yesterday will make me run out of jam jars again today!! Not many reine-claude or mirabelle plums left now, but if you're coming on friday bring a basket for the questche whachamacallit plums, and the grapes are starting, and the pears and apples!!! 9 sep
Kae Cherie how to feed a toddler: Take first spoon. Put it in her left hand. Take second spoon. Put it in her right hand. Take third spoon. Feed. Take the spoon she drops to grab yours. Feed. If desperate, drop bits of finger foods on the table so she grabs those instead of your spoon full of puree. Be prepared for mess. Yuck! 7 Sep
Kae Cherie laughed herself silly with Redmond O'Hanlon's In the Heart of Borneo, and has just finished Malcom Gladwell's Outliers... 6 sep
Kae Cherie is running out of jam jars AGAIN :).... 5 Sep
Kae Cherie was wondering why my legs ache then realised that with all the school runs i've walked 6km today! Etienne got over his initial worry of the big school and has made new friends, elise? Didn't even blinked just got on with it :p 2 Sep
Kae Cherie a boy waves to my boy. I ask, "Is he your friend?" "Yeah" "From school? From Judo?" "No, from the playground." "Oh. Ok. What's his name?" "Dunno." "But he's your friend?" "Yeah."
A girl waves to my girl. Before I say anything, my girls goes, "Hey that's Valentine my friend from school that's her little sister Camille she's two years old blah blah blah..." 1 Sep
posted by everydaymercy at 11:38 am
About Me
- Name: everydaymercy
Kae has joined Mercy Ships for four missions since 1996 (all with M/V Anastasis); after their marriage Julien joined her on board in 2002 for four months, and they brought their first born son for a year's service in 2006. They left ship for the birth of their second child and has been land based since with the arrival of their third child. Please note that the contents of this blog are not from Mercy Ships but are personal and subjective :).
- Mercy Ships International
- Mercy Exhibition - Images & Stories
- Ship Photojournalist's Blog
- Mercy Ships Resources
Previous Posts
- Family Photos May 2011
- Mother's Dictionary :)
- FB Status updates May 2011
- Toddler jargon translations May 2011
- Family Photos April 2011
- FB Status updates Apr 2011
- Spring arriving March 2011
- Happy New Year 2011!! Bonne Année 2011!!
- FB Status updates Nov-Dec 2010
- Family Photos Nov 2010 Italy part 2
- January 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
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- March 2010
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- July 2010
- September 2010
- October 2010
- November 2010
- December 2010
- January 2011
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- May 2011
- June 2011
- July 2011