Spring arriving March 2011
FB Status updates Jan-March 2011:
Kae Cherie is celebrating the carpet of violets in her garden, feels like spring, makes hanging laundry out on the lines almost like a holiday... 12 Mar
Kae Cherie Saw the Eiffel Tower clearly on landing in Paris, looks like the sunshine we were trying to send here arrived but will it stay :)? Jetlag party at 5 am today, not too bad, going to dip toes slowly back into housework, steak and salad for lunch and a HUGE pile on laundry, where do all these dirty clothes come from :p....? 11 Mar
Kae Cherie You know your kids have been in KL for a while when your three year old sees a man walking by and shouts, "Hi, UNCLE!!!" 9 Mar
Kae Cherie Teaching seven year old 'I love you' in sign language, he goes, "I, Love, You... (flips his hand over palm facing upwards) hey, SPIDERMAN!!" 8 Mar
Kae Cherie Is blessed and warm with fellowship from the body of Christ at LHC and charged by Thomas Low's sermon and pray that the AGM will bear good fruit, we miss you all already, please put pastor's sermons online for the prodigals, even the three hour ones :)!!! 6 Mar
Kae Cherie Says three year old to toddler, "D'you want this (toy mobile phone) to sing? Press here, ENTER." 4 Mar
Kae Cherie Lovely bali trip, and lovely gathering with good vintage friends tonite, wow, have we really known each other for more than fifteen years :) ? 3 Mar
Kae Cherie Needs to renew her passport, any advice on where to go what to watch out for? 2 Mar
Kae Cherie Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 28 Feb
Mayy Chang Tien:"aunty may, do u hav farm ville or restaurant story?can u be my neighbour?" looking at his one&only one neighbor, "mummy say I cannot add stranger as neighbour", Kae Cherie: the definition of neighbor includes someone who u may not know but staying near u. :p n now I hav all installed to give tien 100% increment!! Ha 28 Feb
Kae Cherie Monkey forest, volcano lake, holy water temple, rice field terraces, spices garden, coffee 'luak', market for crafts and carvings, dirty duck :). 27 Feb
Kae Cherie Celebrated valentine's two days ago, dinner in a simple japanese resto, bought some kitchen utensils and some tea, bliss. Now packing for Bali, pls share any tips you have :) 25 Feb
Kian Ming nice to see Er Lern Loh, Kae Cherie, Hwok-Aun Lee, Jacqui Tan and their kids for dinner tonight. Tzu-Anne Loh's dad remarked that i was very patient in listening to her mom tell me a long story about her falling down the stairs last CNY. 25 Feb
Kae Cherie Baby sign of the day: BIRD! Great morning at the KL Bird Park, world's largest walk-in aviary :). Then great lunch at funky villa with dear @wai fong, soft shell crab yellow curry was superb! Later tonight, pasar malam, i must go and walk 10km before this next eating session! 24 Feb
Kae Cherie And... Tooth number SEVEN, err, swallowed, now does the tooth fairy mouse still leave a coin if there's not an actual tooth under the pillow? 27 Feb
Kae Cherie And....tooth number EIGHT ;)! 22 Feb
Kae Cherie Lor mai kai, siew mai n assorted paos, done. Hokkien mee (thot of u @stephanie tan:)) n assorted big wok fry noodles, done. Jetlag party with toddler starting 3am local time, ongoing ;).... 18 Feb
Kae Cherie is humming "leeeeaving, on a jet plane, don't know when i'll be back again :)..." 16 Feb
Kae Cherie "For this is love, that we listen to one another." (paraphrased from Tan Soo Inn's ecommentary on the primacy of listening, http://graceworks.com.sg/). Thinking of the lovely people who listen to me and that i have the privilege to listen to, thank you for your love too! 14 FEb
Kae Cherie Bedside alarm clock went off at 1am this morning. Romantic reminder of Valentines? Nope, more a recurring trick our monkeys play on us by fiddling with the bedside alarm clock in the day. Yawnnnn.... happy valentines y'all :) 14 Feb
Kae Cherie ultimate insult version 605: Six year old to three year old, "You're stupid." Three year old to six year old, "You're.... UGLY!!" 12 Feb
Kae Cherie thinks she should become a shareholder of Scotch tape and Superglue... oh and all colours of thread and needles too... 11 Feb
Kae Cherie toddler is mastering a new word: "MINE!" 9 Feb
Kae Cherie three year old's joke today, "Why does daddy go to work? Because he has to, har har har!" 7 Feb
Kae Cherie made jiaozi with her three (yes, THREE) monkeys for Chinese New Year Day 1 (yes flour flour everywhere), and today she's roasting a duck (again) for the CNY party at her place with 9 other children and 10 other adults!! We don't have enough chairs and plates but we'll have lots of fun :)!!! 5 Feb
Kae Cherie I may lack a "univresity dergeree", but you need some grammar classes ;p 4 Feb
Kae Cherie the following is a real conversation in our household: Three year old, "Mummy, why can't I lay eggs?" mummy goes errrr racking her brain at loss on where to start, six year old goes, "Because you're not a chicken lah." End of discussion. 3 Feb
Kae Cherie just made a family of 16 origami rabbits with her two monkeys :). Happy Chinese New Year everyone and please save some Yee Sang for us when we arrive :ppp 2 Feb
Kae Cherie be-er :) 1 Feb
Kae Cherie Better late than never, happy new year everyone (Bonne Année et Meilleur Voeux :))http://picasaweb.google.com/everyday1/FamilyPhotosDec2010?authkey=Gv1sRgCIXnl5jOorC-fw&feat=directlink 1 Feb
Kae Cherie O my Monbazillac Chateau Poulvere Damien 2004, it was nice knowing you :)! 31 Jan
Kae Cherie hmmm, trying to get into Chinese New Year mood, maybe I should start by taking down the christmas tree :p...? 29 Jan
posted by everydaymercy at 8:15 pm