Tuesday, May 10, 2011
FB Status updates Apr 2011
Kae Cherie What-NOT-to-say version 405: "how many times did i tell you not to do that?!" Replied seven year old, "Errrr... Two hundred?" 5 May
Kae Cherie What's with kids needing LESS sleep during school holidays whilst parents need more...:p 4 May
Kae Cherie is winning some battles but losing the war on messiness, with three ruddy cheeked hopping kids on hols storming her house :p! 3 May
Kae Cherie Watched a tiny bit of the royal wedding with her two girls... Three year old was told they were real princes and princesses and queen, but got bored after a while and wanted to watch hi five instead! 29 Apr
Kae Cherie Made smoke salmon cucumber and cream cheese wraps for son's judo day camp picnic... is she overdoing it ;)? 29 Apr
Kae Cherie Boy off for a judo day activities this whole week, so yesterday i went shopping with my three year old (toddler at the nursery), had a great mother daughter day, and guess what flowers she chose: pink tulips! 27 Apr
Kae Cherie pink tulips! 27 Apr
Kae Cherie 24 Apr
I will not boast in anything; No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ; His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart; His wounds have paid my ransom
Kae Cherie 22 Apr
How deep the Father's love for us, How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son To make a wretch His treasure
Behold the Man upon a cross, My sin upon His shoulders...
It was my sin that held Him there Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life, I know that it is finished
Kae Cherie thinks she should stop ironing when she reaches the stage where the clothes come out MORE wrinkled, AFTER her ironing, than before :p... 21 Apr
Kae Cherie Said three year old to seven year old, "Si on se marie pas, je peux pas avoir des filles! (If we don't get married, I can't have any daughters!)" 21 Apr
Kae Cherie "The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves—in their separate, and individual capacities." Abraham Lincoln (first American Republican president) 18 Apr
Kae Cherie Thanks Rachel Maury, a must-see documentary on autism, eye-opening http://carlysvoice.com/ 18 Apr
Kae Cherie Missed Rachel Mougeot Foxwell and Christine Pouey and Lucy Farrugia this morning :)!! Toddler's stomach bug reached hubby last night then three year old this morning who promptly threw up on us, then recovered and is now fit as a fiddle and hurricaning around the house, should have sent her to school :ppp 15 Apr
Kae Cherie seven year old wants a dog, toddler wants a cat, three year old wants a horse... looking at the rate of milk consumption in this household, I vote we get a cow!! 14 Apr
Kae Cherie weeding takes on a whole surprising new dimension when every time i pull some plants out I get a burst of young grasshoppers popping everywhere!! 13 Apr
Kae Cherie Parental tip to self: Never ask your children what they want for dinner. 12 Apr
Kae Cherie thinks it's some kind of wonderful to be shaking flower petals from her laundry when she takes them down from the clothes line.... bliss :) 11 Apr
Kae Cherie You know your kid had a great time when he comes back from the field trip with a tan, lots of tales, an admiration for his teacher who knows how to dance, muddy shoes and clothes, spidermen socks exchanged with his room mate, towels with grass in it, and a collection of pine cones and lichen in his sack :)... 9 apr
Kae Cherie is slightly horrified as she realises how much her seven year old consumes, as she fills up the fridge for his return :p... 8 Apr
Kae Cherie and one more sleep till my boy comes back home.... can't wait :))) 7 Apr
Kae Cherie Here's a thought for sales folks out there. If you treat customers like people instead of money pots to squeeze, you may actually make MORE money. We bought from one shop (the products are about the same), but one salesperson is nice from the start whereas the other warmed up only when he realised how much money we were planning to spend. Don't they know customers can sense that? 7 Apr
Kae Cherie also, for some strange reason, toddler is calling her father "PAPA-YAAAA..." 6 Apr
Kae Cherie Right, missing seven year old more now, as i tend to his farm/smurf village/bakery/restaurant etc on his ipod!!! Now why did I volunteer to do that during his absence! 6 Apr
Kae Cherie Err, when my toddler asks for "boob", she really means BOOK. 5 Apr
Kae Cherie First strawberry tiramisu of the year after dinner today, for my boy leaving tomorrow early with his school classmates on a four-day field trip. I've stuffed three chocolate muffins into his picnic sack as a treat, and will probably stuff myself with chocolate and blabber on FB the next four days, you have been warned :p!!! 4 Apr
Kae Cherie Hubby said to three year old, "Who's the boss here?!" she replied, "You the big boss, I'm the little boss." 2 Apr
Kae Cherie Is in flower heaven...tulips tulips everywhere, cherry blossoms showering overhead, violets, daisies, pansies... Bliss!! 2 Apr
Kae Cherie survived birthday party with six spidermen yesterday! Thank God for: a sunny afternoon with football spider thread treasure hunt shouts hilarity in the garden; for daughter happy to play along (flower instead of spider painted on her hand); for todder who slept through all except cake; for my boy's joy with new friends from his new school; and for hubby who know football rules and kept superheros under control :)!! 31 Mar
Kae Cherie and her three year old are watching a Nigella Lawson Chocolate Fudge cake raise in the oven... it's almost as good as TV, and smells better... :) 29 Mar
Kae Cherie Hubby says it's my fault my kids reply every question with "Why". Why :)? 28 Mar
Kae Cherie Just had Yee Sang today :)!! Transported faithfully from Msia by her darling hubby through one 13 hour plane ride and 2 hour train ride with three kids in tow, but worth it! Thank you Michelle Hong, Jasmin Wee, Eugene Soh, John Eu Kong Guen for great food and fellowship too, must do it again :)!! (but no more yee sang so maybe more roast duck next time, ha!) 27 Mar
Kae Cherie asked three year old, "Do you know what this is?" She replied, "ARTICHOKE!" "Good! Where did you learn this from?" "I plant it in the Smurf village!" [i.e. the ipad game]... humpfff :). 25 Mar
Kae Cherie current toddler phrase, "I DO, I DO!" (not the tender wedding vow version, but the "Let me do it myself I insist!!" version) 24 Mar
Kae Cherie Lovely afternoon in the garden with the kids. Planted flowers and herbs: coriander, dill and chervil. The parsley and chive have survived winter on our window sill, and the wild thyme and mint are flourishing outdoors. Next, maybe thai and italian basil, sage and oregano? 23 Mar
Kae Cherie Yesterday. My toddler said to me, "Yai YOVE you." Still buzzing from it today :). 23 Mar
Kae Cherie how to get your seven year old son to talk to you: Ask him about the evolutions of Pokemon. (For tips on how to get him to stop, pls pay X amount into X paypal account, ha!) 21 Mar
Kae Cherie It's my darling hubby's birthday today, and he has no FB page, but I can show him mine, so shoot, folks :)!!! Mar
Kae Cherie saw a calf in a field nearby this morning :), ahhhh, spring, new birth, growth, sun, love it! 18 Mar
Kae Cherie ultimate insult version 101: Says seven year old to three year old, "You're like the elephant!! (mummy puzzled...) Big head tiny brain!!" (oh.) 16 Mar
Kae Cherie wonders if the secret to her kids (toddler included) devouring the green salad today may be a dressing made from ligurian olive oil and modena balsamic vinegar ;p 16 Mar
Kae Cherie ultimate threat: Three year old, "Give me the cookie, or... ELSE!" Me, "Or else what?" Her, "Errr.... I dunno?" 15 Mar
Kae Cherie does not see the point of bubble-gum flavoured toothpaste for children :s.... 15 Mar
Kae Cherie Praying for the people of Japan, and trying to tell folks who blame God for this that if they believe in God, they must believe the existence of Satan too. Evil is real, this is war, God wants all to be saved, so He is still giving us time, will we turn to Him before it is too late? 13 Mar
Kae Cherie you know you've been abusing the ipad and ipod touch when your toddler and three year old try to click something on the desktop computer screen by poking it! 12 Mar
posted by everydaymercy at 8:37 pm
About Me
- Name: everydaymercy
Kae has joined Mercy Ships for four missions since 1996 (all with M/V Anastasis); after their marriage Julien joined her on board in 2002 for four months, and they brought their first born son for a year's service in 2006. They left ship for the birth of their second child and has been land based since with the arrival of their third child. Please note that the contents of this blog are not from Mercy Ships but are personal and subjective :).
- Mercy Ships International
- Mercy Exhibition - Images & Stories
- Ship Photojournalist's Blog
- Mercy Ships Resources
Previous Posts
- Family Photos May 2011
- Mother's Dictionary :)
- FB Status updates May 2011
- Toddler jargon translations May 2011
- Family Photos April 2011
- FB Status updates Apr 2011
- Spring arriving March 2011
- Happy New Year 2011!! Bonne Année 2011!!
- FB Status updates Nov-Dec 2010
- Family Photos Nov 2010 Italy part 2
- January 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
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- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- December 2008
- October 2009
- December 2009
- March 2010
- May 2010
- June 2010
- July 2010
- September 2010
- October 2010
- November 2010
- December 2010
- January 2011
- April 2011
- May 2011
- June 2011
- July 2011